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Pewter Shoe
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Pewter Shoe

Availability: In stock

Item #: 100067

Regular price $4.00 Sale price

Compare at $12.00

We currently have 29 in stock.

Approximately 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5" pewter shoe with hollowed opening.

What better way to congratulate a friend or family member on their new baby than with this adorable pewter baby shoe. Sold in support of a Nicaraguan safe house.


Where this product came from

Hope for Nicaragua


Two women sat among a sea of empty chairs. Their first support group was small. But our partners were persistent. They continued to walk the red light districts, meeting and praying with women held in debt-bonded prostitution. Soon 25 women began attending the weekly meetings. Now, every Tuesday morning, over 300 women gather for teaching, music, and the opportunity to earn a small income by making cards and jewelry. Here they are slowly learning the marketable skills necessary to leave the red light districts. Meanwhile, their children are at school, safely tucked away from the horror of Managua's many child brothels. Our partners help make this possible by providing scholarships and school uniforms. Women and children who need immediate safety can go to the Hope for Nicaragua shelter. Others can apply for micro-grants to begin small businesses. Though it began with two women, Hope for Nicaragua's ministry continues to grow, becoming more multi-faceted and holistic as it reaches into the deep need for soul care, recovery, and hope for those in slavery. Your purchase makes you a partner in this life-giving work. You help offer safety, healing, and empowerment to women and children at risk.


Rather than cherish and protect their daughter, Maia's adoptive parents sold her night after night to the men who came to their home. When Maia fought back, her family chained her to the back of the house and beat her into submission. Hope for Nicaragua found Maia and rescued her from her nightmare. At the safehouse, Maia has found a new adoptive family-one who loves her, whispers words or worth and value to her, and walks beside her on the path toward healing. Here she can reclaim her childhood and simply be an 11-year-old again. Like other children, Maia now attends school and enjoys playing on the swing set. In this safe place, she has found a new family, a new childhood, and new future.