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4 Finger Puppet Set Farm
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4 Finger Puppet Set Farm

Availability: In stock

Item #: 104055

Regular price $24.00

We currently have 11 in stock.

Organic cotton assortment of 4 farm animal finger puppets.

Run your own tiny farm with these whimsical little finger puppets from Peru. Each set is a random assortment of farm animals, from sheep to cows, chickens, pigs and more, even the farmer or farm girl are possibilities! And while you're having such a fun time playing, you can smile at how you are supporting mothers in Peru to take care of their families.

*Set Free Special valid March 17-23, 2021*


Where this product came from

Preventative Product


She may have been abandoned or widowed. Perhaps she has been raped or seen her sister sold. Maybe she has to feed her family and has nothing to sell but herself. These are the stories of women at risk—women who are vulnerable, desperate, and targeted by traffickers. By empowering women to make a living with dignity, WAR, Int’l’s preventative programs strive to “rescue” these women and children before they ever fall prey to traffickers. Women who can provide for themselves and their families are not lured by the money and opportunity “promised” by strangers. They are not driven to selling themselves—or their children—out of sheer desperation. These women can forge new futures for their families, break generational cycles of poverty and exploitation, and create legacies of safety and dignity for others. The beautiful product in your hands was crafted by one of these women, a woman protected and empowered against all odds.

Peruvian Designs

High in the Andes Mountains of Peru, entire families carry on the old artistic customs of knitting and gourd-carving. Creating intricate, charming toys and ornaments not only keeps cultural and ancestral traditions alive but also helps these families survive. Our dedicated partners at Peruvian Designs have created a market for these creations and are committed to empowering the artisans to help themselves, their families, and their communities. Many of these skilled crafters are mothers struggling to support their children. Working from home gives them the opportunity to be with their little ones while also tending to their animals and gardens, and the income they earn empowers them to have stronger voices within their families and communities. Although life within these mountainous agricultural communities is not always easy, a cheerful and industrious spirit prevails, and the delightful handmade toys and ornaments produced there vividly portray the joy of the men, women, and families who create them.